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Whey Protein the dietary protein supplement
Prisha vermaWhat is Whey ProteinProtein is the important element for our body. We need Protein for building bones, muscles, skin, blood and cartilage. It also repairs tissues. We get proteins from natural foods like, eggs, milk, cheese, meat, fish, whey proteins etc. But due to the modern lifestyle, normally the quantity required by our body is not fulfilled by these foods. Hence to meet the requirement, we need additional supplements. And the best source is obtained from whey, which is a very high source of proteins.Whey protein is made by mixing globular proteins which is isolated from whey. Whey is the liquid by-product separated during production of cheese.Whey protein is used as a dietary supplement for body building and muscle developments. Also in many medicines and health drinks, they claim to use whey protein in those products. But, it is found that whey proteins are blamed for some milk allergies also. Major allergens in milk are the caseins.
Composition and types of Whey Protein supplements
Whey Protein is a by-product of cheese manufacturing process. The whole milk contains 87% solids and 13% water. In the solid parts, protein is 27%, lactose is 27% and fat is found as 30%. And the protein here contains 20% whey protein and 80% caseins. This 20% whey protein is further divided into 4 categories:
1. Whey protein Concentrate (WPC)
WPC is the first stage of refined whey protein. It contains 29-89% Protein, low but significant fat and higher levels of lactose.2. Whey Protein Isolate (WPI)WPI is the second stage of refined whey protein. It contains 90% of pure protein and low levels of fat and lactose. Isolate it is little milky in taste.3. Whey Protein Hydrolysate (WPH)WPH is the purest form of whey protein. It is very easy to digest and contains more insulin as compared to WPC and WPI. Hydrolysate Whey protein is less allergenic than the other two forms. But it is very expensive.4. Native Whey Protein (NWP)NWP is not a by product of cheese production process. It is made from skimmed milk with better taste. Due to less pasteurization, it retains the nutritional properties of whey protein and contains 80 to 100% protein in it.
Benefits of whey protein Supplements
‘ It is the superb Source of good quality protein’ It helps in growth of muscle and repairs the tissues.’ It helps in lowering of Blood Pressure’ It helps in Type 2 Diabetes treatment’ It helps in reducing Inflammation’ It is beneficial for Inflammatory Bowel ailment’ It develop body’s Antioxidant resistance’ It have beneficial effects on Blood Fats’ It is highly satiate to reduce hunger’ It helps to lose weight
Side Effects, Dosage, and How to Use It
Whey Protein is undoubtedly an excellent source of protein with so powerful benefits for a healthy body. But taking too much of it may cause problems related to digestion, like cramping, diarrhea, nausea pain etc. People having kidney or liver problems should discuss with their doctors before taking any protein supplements. Those who have problem with lactose should take isolate or hydrolysate form.It is very easy to include whey protein in diet. It comes in the form of powder and hence can be easily mixed with yogurts, smoothies, milk or even water. Generally 1-2 tablespoons of it should be taken. You can follow the dosage instruction on the package or as directed by any physician.Proper in take of protein can result to an excellent health.
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